Hi, I raised this with Klaviyo support and got some helpful advice, but after thinking it over, I realised it doesn’t work.
The scenario:
Customer enters a loyalty flow after purchasing a specific product. The flow is long (a few years). Naturally in this time, we would expect some customers to unsub before they’ve fully finished it. We’d like them to re-enter if they resubscribe later down the line.
For this reason, the flow filter “has never been in this flow” doesn’t work.
Klaviyo support suggested adding a filter property like “Completed this flow” = Yes and then making sure that people can only re-enter if it’s No, but then they’d be able to re-enter after every email, which we don’t want.
Essentially: we want people to enter this 1 time per customer lifetime. But, if they unsub, resub later down the line, and then make a purchase, we want them to re-enter because of the information promoting loyalty flow in our order confirmation - we wouldn’t want to say they’d enter this loyalty flow but then they actually don’t because they unsubbed previously.
Anyone done anything similar? Is this too much of an edge case to worry about?
Thanks in advance! Let me know if you need clarification.