Hi there, we’ve been through the docs but had some pre-purchase questions regarding reviews - sorry if they’re answered or if we used the wrong search terms while researching. And we’re using a Shopify 2.0 store.
1.Display a single review within content
Can Klaviyo display a single review anywhere blocks are supported on a Shopify 2.0 store? We use these to back-up content blocks on landing and product pages. e.g. We make a product/service claim or explain a problem regarding other solutions, then follow it with a customer talking about the same claim or problem they’ve had with other solutions - or how our product claim solved their issue.
2.Display a new review on page load
As per question 1 above but instead of displaying one review, can we group multiple reviews by product claim (or tag) then display a different review each time the page loads? Higher AOV brands see more visits over a longer period pre-purchase. So displaying a new (but relevant) review keeps landing/product pages fresh with new and relevant reviews each time prospects return. This can just load a new random review from the group but it would be awesome if you could set an order in which to display reviews - 1st visit, 2nd visit etc.
3.Display the same review for multiple products
In our experience, customers rarely leave a review for each product they’ve purchased, typically leaving a single review mentioning multiple products. Can these reviews display across all products they purchased or mention (if we decide)?
4.Change the product for a review
Can we change which product a review was left for? This allows us to correct a common situation where a customer buys multiple products but reviews the other product. e.g. If they buy sheets and towels but leave a review under towels, exclusively talking about the sheets, we’d move their review to the sheet product. 99% of review moderation for orders with multiple products, is all about moving the review to the product the customer is actually talking about! Hope that makes sense.
Any pointers in the right direction much appreciated.
Cheers, Ben