Recap discussion: [Interactive workshop] Build a Klaviyo winback from from scratch (for small to medium businesses)

  • 10 February 2023
  • 6 replies

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Whether you’re looking for the replay of today’s session or to catch up with some of our additional resources, you’ve come to the right place! You’ll find everything you need below.




In this session, we will cover


  • What goes into a winback flow?

  • Build phase 1: Selecting a flow trigger

  • Build phase 2: Applying the flow logic

  • Build phase 3: Content ideas

  • How to create a report to measure the success of your winback flow


Here are some additional resources to guide you through the process:


External resources:


Steps to build the Email Flows Revenue by Month report:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Custom Reports’ tab under ‘Analytics’ in the main menu

  2. Click ‘Reports Library’

  3. Tick ‘How much revenue are my messages generating?’ under the Message Performance menu

  4. The report Email Flows Revenue by Month | Flows Performance Report will appear on the right

  5. Select the correct report for your ecommerce integration and click ‘Create Report’



We hope to see you again soon! Visit our live trainings page to keep up with our events.

6 replies

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Once we activate this flow, will it automatically send to anyone who has not purchased anything over the 75 days?

Userlevel 5
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@WendyA Thanks for your question! The short answer is no.


Once you activate this flow, it will only begin to trigger for new placed order events. It will still look at the number of historical orders to ensure that the person goes down the right path, however, it will only initiate for people who place an order after turning the flow live.  


We do have a feature called back populating that you can enable flows to send to people who would have triggered this flow had it been set live earlier but you definitely do not need to do this if you’re not interested. Here’s more detail around back populating:


Hope this helps :) 


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Thanks Julie - I am still working through setting up my win back flow - I am almost done but have another question.  Is your code for the discount on email 3 clickable?  If so, how does it work & where does it take them?  Do they have to enter the code when checking out or does it automatically give them a discount?  I just want to be super clear in my email on how this code works.  Thanks!!  Excited to get this live.

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And one final question - do you make that coupon code in the 3rd email only good for one time or good for every time a customer comes back through the flow?  I guess I am confused about how often a person could potentially come through this flow.  Thanks again!  It was such a great training & I cannot wait to sign up for another training soon to continue learning.

Userlevel 5
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Hi @WendyA !


Great to hear that you’re working through the win back flow set up. I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed the training! We really enjoy running them! We have another new workshop scheduled for March on setting up product recommendations in your emails so feel free to sign up for that if it’s of interest to you! We have plenty of other trainings that we offer as well!


Question 1: The one I set up would not be clickable, however, we do have functionality for websites powered by Shopify where we can automatically apply that discount code at checkout. Here are a few resources that will guide on using coupon codes in Klaviyo:


Question 2: This is entirely up to you. By default, a single user can go through this flow an endless number of times as long as they continue to meet the qualifying conditions (place an order and then go inactive after the delayed period). It’s currently set up so that they would like to provide a discount code every time they goes through this flow. If you want to get more specific, for example, if they’ve only ordered from you once then send discount X, if they’ve ordered from you 2x then send discount Y, if they’ve ordered from you 3x then send discount Z you can set this up as well using conditional splits. 


Hope this clarifies things a bit :) 


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Thanks Julie - I may add a few more conditional splits & come up with a bit different content for each one.  Being a vintage book seller, I have regular customers who keep coming back so reminders & incentives will be nice.
