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Will a user go through my flow again if they sign up for another form that re-adds them to the List?

  • 10 August 2022
  • 5 replies

Hi there


I have two signup forms on my website that are collecting emails to the same list. 


One of the signup forms has a Profile Property “Hvalpebog” attached. 


Is it possible that profiles that already is a member of the list, will receive another flow, when signing up again with the signup form with the Profile Property?


Best Erik

Hi there! 


Great question! 


If both forms are connected to one list and that one list is connected to a flow, a user will not enter a flow a second time if they have already filled out one form and gone through the flow previously. The reason is that users can only go through a List Triggered Flow once. Even if they use a different form to sign up, with the profile property attached to the form, Klaviyo will recognize that they are already in the attached Lists and have gone through the Flow once already. The only thing that would change for this profile is that it would now have the new profile property attached and its $source property would update to the second form. 


I’d suggest checking out these similar Community topics that can help you gain more insight! 


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Thanks for participating in the Community!


Hi @Taylor Tarpley 


Thanks for your answer. 


So if I want a welcome flow for both signup forms, I then need to different list or can I use a “Conditional Split - $source not equal Hvalpebog”?


Best Erik

Hi @Erik-Gilpa


Yes, if you want users who filled out the different forms to receive a different email because of how they signed up, then yes you can use that property to separate them in a conditional split! Additionally, I’d recommend checking out our documentation on the benefits of having a single main list as it easier to keep up with, list clean and helps with your overall account hygiene! 



Hi @Erik-Gilpa


Yes, if you want users who filled out the different forms to receive a different email because of how they signed up, then yes you can use that property to separate them in a conditional split! Additionally, I’d recommend checking out our documentation on the benefits of having a single main list as it easier to keep up with, list clean and helps with your overall account hygiene! 



You mean it is best with one list, instead of several lists?

That was my thought, and that's why my suggestion using conditional split, to separate users on how the signed up, but still ending in the same list, and still receive my welcome flow. 




Hi @Erik-Gilpa


Yes! However, you don’t need to use a conditional split or separate users on how they signed up if you don’t want them to. If you want, they can both receive the same email messages in your Flow if you want. I’d suggest checking out our insightful documentation on why and how you can separate different branches in one flow for different user experiences.


