We've created a custom metric Added to Wishlist that happens each time a user adds something to their wishlist, and then use the catalog tag to populate the email with the product info (image, price, link etc). We did it like this as to not overload the front-end by passing all the info that is already in the shopify catalog. This is how it looks in the end, so it works fine to be able to list all (or some) of their wishlisted items in an email.

We want to implement some flows that would notify a user when an item from their wishlist has a stock drop, price drop, or is back in stock. It seems we cannot use our current setup/catalog tag for that purpose, and we cannot combine our wishlist with Klaviyo’s existing triggers on price drop/stock drop/restock.
We can add the product stock to the event “Added to wishlist”, but that will just tell us the stock level at that moment, it won’t check against the current Shopify stock and see if it’s under X units.
Any help on how we can further develop the custom event for this scenario is most appreciated!