When checking your own profile, does there appear to be a Received Email metric associated with the campaign you had sent out? If so, i would suggest checking to see if the email landed in either your Promotions, Junk, or Spam folder. Emails landing in the Promotion’s tab of inbox providers such as Gmail or Yahoo are not uncommon. I would also suggest taking a look at our About Gmail's Tabbed Inbox Help Center article to learn more about these tabbed inboxes. @wei.he has a brief explanation of this in the following Community post:
Since you’re just starting out, it may also be a good idea to take a look at some of our resources on deliverability and why it’s so important to one’s sending reputation. I’ve included and Academy course and some additional resources that I think can be useful!
When checking your own profile, does there appear to be a Received Email metric associated with the campaign you had sent out? If so, i would suggest checking to see if the email landed in either your Promotions, Junk, or Spam folder. Emails landing in the Promotion’s tab of inbox providers such as Gmail or Yahoo are not uncommon. I would also suggest taking a look at our About Gmail's Tabbed Inbox Help Center article to learn more about these tabbed inboxes. @wei.he has a brief explanation of this in the following Community post:
Since you’re just starting out, it may also be a good idea to take a look at some of our resources on deliverability and why it’s so important to one’s sending reputation. I’ve included and Academy course and some additional resources that I think can be useful!
Thank you for your response. I managed to confirm with a few recipients (including myself) that it did indeed go to Spam folders. And by the recipient activity, it looks it was limited to gmail users specifically.
This was my first campaign with Klaviyo. My previous email campaigns (with another provider) had a 50-60% open rate. So after some research, I notice that my previous ESP has the “signed by” my domain. I am guessing this is what pushed those emails into the inbox rather than the spam folder.
Although small, I feel like I have just lost communication with half of my audience.
Sounds like you may have been using a dedicated sending domain on your previous ESP. By default, all accounts on Klaviyo are set to be on our shared infrastructure/sending domain as denoted by the “via ksd3.klaviyomail.com” messaging in your emails.
Since you were previously on a dedicated sending from, I would suggest setting up and using a dedicated sending domain on Klaviyo as well which would alleviate your emails going to the spam folder. The reason why those emails are now being identified as spam, is due to the inbox provider (Gmail) now seeing a misalignment/disconnect in your email domain.
Because the inbox provider previously recognized your email as being sent from your own domain, since switching to Klaviyo and being placed in our shared sending domain, this raises suspicions on the inbox provider’s end and thus identified your email as spam. To setup and learn more about using a dedicated sending domain, I suggest taking a look at our How to Set Up a Dedicated Sending Domain and Guide to Dedicated Sending Infrastructure Help Center articles as well as the additional resources and Community posts we have on this topic. I’ve included some Community post below to get you started: