I’d like to build long post-purchase automations (60 messages over 120 days) but would love to be able to pause this automation during specific times of the year when I have high campaign volumes.
Is there any way to pause this entire automation and resume it few days after without having to “manually” send all the queuing messages ? Meaning, if I have 1000 people in this automation I don’t want to have to manually send all the messages that should have been sent if the automation was live.
I thought of updating the status to draft > then update it to live > then backpopulate flow recipients. But since I have many coupons in those emails, I can’t backpopulate the flow when it’s live.
If you have any idea about how I can solve this issue this would be of great help !
Setting emails to manual is really the only “true” way to pause flow movement inside the flow. Also keep in mind, you won’t have to manually send out all messages individually (in case that’s what you were thinking). There is a “send all” button in the flow analytics > recipient activity. While this is a “manual” process it will initiate a send for all queued-up recipients with a simple click of a button instead of sending to recipients one-by-one. You can read more about this here.
Sending to users in “Needs Review”
With that said, it sounds like you’re concerned about a potential issue with sending volume, in which case using smart sending (which allows you to limit the number of emails or SMS someone can received within a set period of time) may be a good option to implement in your flow. If that option appeals to you, you can read more about smart sending here.
Another way to “pause” a flow is to prevent new users from entering the flow entirely. If the flow is metric-triggered, you can add $value to the trigger filter and set the value at a price like $99999 to prevent new users from entering. Simply remove the filters when you want users to enter the flow again. If the flow is triggered off of a list, you can use a flow filter “is added to this list (before today’s date)” to prevent new users from entering the flow. Here’s an example screenshot of the latter scenario:
Also consider shortening the length of the flow to make it easier to manage flow recipients and coordinate flow sending with your campaign sends. We have some examples of post-purchase flows here.
I hope that’s helpful and thanks for being a community member.
Setting emails to manual is really the only “true” way to pause flow movement inside the flow. Also keep in mind, you won’t have to manually send out all messages individually (in case that’s what you were thinking). There is a “send all” button in the flow analytics > recipient activity. While this is a “manual” process it will initiate a send for all queued-up recipients with a simple click of a button instead of sending to recipients one-by-one. You can read more about this here.
Sending to users in “Needs Review”
With that said, it sounds like you’re concerned about a potential issue with sending volume, in which case using smart sending (which allows you to limit the number of emails or SMS someone can received within a set period of time) may be a good option to implement in your flow. If that option appeals to you, you can read more about smart sending here.
Another way to “pause” a flow is to prevent new users from entering the flow entirely. If the flow is metric-triggered, you can add $value to the trigger filter and set the value at a price like $99999 to prevent new users from entering. Simply remove the filters when you want users to enter the flow again. If the flow is triggered off of a list, you can use a flow filter “is added to this list (before today’s date)” to prevent new users from entering the flow. Here’s an example screenshot of the latter scenario:
Also consider shortening the length of the flow to make it easier to manage flow recipients and coordinate flow sending with your campaign sends. We have some examples of post-purchase flows here.
I hope that’s helpful and thanks for being a community member.
Hi, I would just like to ask a follow up question here, if ever I will set it to manual and if I’ll want to resume sending it then I would just need to send it in Need Review, right? so what if after that email there is a time delay and a conditional below and emails are now live then would they still follow the time delay and conditional that I’ve put?