We have a client in Australia whose Klaviyo account is approved for use with SMS. In addition, they already have a ton of customers listed in their account with SMS consent.
We are passing users with Australian phone numbers to their account, but the SMS Consent is not showing up in Klaviyo for these users.
We tested this with our USA customers, and SMS consent shows up just fine. We are making the same exact API call in both cases, but for this Australian customer it is not working.
[api_key] => pk_*****************
[profiles] => Array
[0] => Array
[first_name] => Jacob
[last_name] => Smith
[source] => viralsweep
[refer_link] =>
[source_name] =>
[email] => jacob@email.com
[$consent] => Array
[0] => email
[phone_number] => +610435879000
[sms_consent] => 1
[promotion_id] => 132003
[auto_login_link] =>
Is there some adjustment we need to make in our API call to get SMS consent to work for Australian phone numbers?