I have setup Product Feeds - for example “HomeOffice”, “LivingRoom”, “Lighting” - I have a tag on customer profile indicating the last category they browsed. I want to use the jinja templating to display products based on the product feed.
I am aware I can create dynamic product grids, and set conditional logic to show the block when the category matches the profile category --- but that requires me to create 35 dynamic product grids, and copy them into every email (and that might cause other problems?).
What I am hoping I can do, but cannot figure out the correct syntax to do it, is to filter out the top 6/8 products from the feed, based on their profile lookup value - that way we have full control over styling, and can favorite one single re-usable block that will covert all of them.
I am hoping for something like this:
{% if person.CatLabel|default:'' == 'LG' %}
{% feed 'Lighting' %}
{% elif person.CatLabel|default:'' == 'HO' %}
{% feed 'OfficeFurniture' %}
{% endif %}
{% catalog ‘Lighting’ as products %}
{% for product in products %}
{{ product.name }}
{% endfor %}
I’ve spoken with the support team, they say this should be possible, but they cannot help me with how to build this such that it actually renders.
I’ve tried to query products based on category, but for some reason its not an available field at the email template level (only filter triggers). I do not have a good enough personalization engine to consider passing the actual product IDs for the blocks onto their profile, like in the documentation.