Hey @ebusiness pros,
Great suggestions! Although at present we don’t offer a change log for profiles, I’ll share this feedback with our Product Team! Just like how useful our flow history change log has been, I can absolutely see how useful a profile change log would be as well.
@valgeisler, it sounds like you’ve done a thorough job investigating this odd behavior. Outside of checking the tools you have integrated with Klaviyo, I would further suggest checking on any custom events or API calls you could be pushing to Klaviyo automatically. I’ve seen this on small occasions where some custom calls were setup through a website’s backend based on their user activity. This could influence and push updates to profiles.
A common example of this relates to an odd BigCommerce signup form behavior. When subscribers filled out a BigCommerce provided signup form, but either the form did not have a first name field or the first name was not provided, the name was defaulted as “BC” in Klaviyo. This behavior turned out to be how the BigCommerce provided signup form had a default line in the code for “First_Name: BC” as a fallback default. This means that even if a customer had made a purchase, but later decided to subscribe to a newsletter through a form, their name could have potentially been updated to “BC” at a later time.
This actually occurred some time ago where someone had embedded a signup form on their post purchase screen. After subscriber, the customer would then receive a post purchase email being addressed as “Hello BC, your order was confirmed...”.
Although our Backline Support colleagues have a number of tools at their disposal to help identify potential bugs, this is not something they have access to.