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How to create unengaged segment with condition "didn't engage over the last X number of emails"

Hello Klaviyo community!
Hope everyone’s having a good day!

I am creating a segment for unengaged profiles, which condition setting contains they receive at least X number of emails and didn't click and open for Y number of days. I am not sure how to figure out the optimized number for this X and Y.

I contacted Klaviyo support, and they recommended that “You can modify this number depending on how often you send to your customers and the type of products you sell. If you send daily, make this number higher.”

Related document:

The problem is our sending habit (how often we send to our customers) tends to be instable and fluctuate for now. We’re having punch of stores, segments to work on. At some point, we’ll be sending a decent amount of email for one of our store/segment, but sometime we’ll be most likely sending nothing but the email flows we set up (no campaign). 
So for example, if I set the segment to “receive at least 10 emails and didn't click and open for 90 of days.” It might be ok for now, but once we increase the email frequency with campaigns, it could be up to 35-40 emails over the last 90 days (and I understand sending emails to people didn’t engage over the last 35-40 emails will definitely hurts our KPIs and domain reputation). This mean we have to structure our workflow so that the email frequencies for a specific store/segment is always steady down the road (or we have to update this segment everytime our sending habit change - keep in mind that we have many different stores/segments).

Long story short, how can I create an unengaged segment with condition “didn't engage over the last 15 of emails” (for example), disregarding the timeframe of those email (whether it be 30 days or 90 days)?

Ideally, I just need some thing similiar to: Definition [What someone has done (or not done)] has [Opened Email/Clicked Email] [zero times] [in the last] [X number] [emails]

I would be really appreciate any help or guidance.

Thanks for reading.

Best answer by ebusiness pros

Hey @Dang Le, thanks for bringing this question to the community!


Defining a period of disengagement can often feel tricky. If you’re wanting to ensure people have received a minimum number of emails as part of evaluating this, here’s what I’d recommend:


Add a condition to that segment that states “has Received Email at least # times over all time”


One thing I would also encourage you to evaluate is whether or not someone has opened at least 1 email within the last 180 days. A 6 month period (180 days) should give you a broad enough window to account for inconsistent email sending patterns, where 3 weeks or a whole month might go by before you send the next campaign email. That can help you get a better sense of where the engagement ballpark boundaries lie for your audience, and you can refine the time period from there. Sidenote: having at bare minimum, a Welcome Series and Customer Thank You flow live provides helpful infrastructure to keep your list warm while you find your best rhythm of campaign sending.


If you want to evaluate clicks also, I would use an OR condition to join the “has Opened Email” and the “has Clicked Email” conditions. You’ll get a broader group of people that way, unless you’re intentionally focusing only on people with 0 opens AND 0 clicks within the specified timeframe. Just know, there’s a much higher percentage of people opening emails, who might not click a link every single time. 


Hopefully this helps! I’m also tagging a few other people who might have further insight for you. @KatherineB @Ashley I. @Brett_Gatsby @Kylie W @Bobi N. @Akers Digital @retention @In the Inbox @Omar 





Klaviyo Champion & Marketing Lead at ebusiness pros

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ebusiness pros
Partner - Silver

Hey @Dang Le, thanks for bringing this question to the community!


Defining a period of disengagement can often feel tricky. If you’re wanting to ensure people have received a minimum number of emails as part of evaluating this, here’s what I’d recommend:


Add a condition to that segment that states “has Received Email at least # times over all time”


One thing I would also encourage you to evaluate is whether or not someone has opened at least 1 email within the last 180 days. A 6 month period (180 days) should give you a broad enough window to account for inconsistent email sending patterns, where 3 weeks or a whole month might go by before you send the next campaign email. That can help you get a better sense of where the engagement ballpark boundaries lie for your audience, and you can refine the time period from there. Sidenote: having at bare minimum, a Welcome Series and Customer Thank You flow live provides helpful infrastructure to keep your list warm while you find your best rhythm of campaign sending.


If you want to evaluate clicks also, I would use an OR condition to join the “has Opened Email” and the “has Clicked Email” conditions. You’ll get a broader group of people that way, unless you’re intentionally focusing only on people with 0 opens AND 0 clicks within the specified timeframe. Just know, there’s a much higher percentage of people opening emails, who might not click a link every single time. 


Hopefully this helps! I’m also tagging a few other people who might have further insight for you. @KatherineB @Ashley I. @Brett_Gatsby @Kylie W @Bobi N. @Akers Digital @retention @In the Inbox @Omar 





Klaviyo Champion & Marketing Lead at ebusiness pros

In the Inbox
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  • July 13, 2023

@ebusiness pros - this is a great point!

Sidenote: having at bare minimum, a Welcome Series and Customer Thank You flow live provides helpful infrastructure to keep your list warm while you find your best rhythm of campaign sending.

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  • July 13, 2023

Totally agree with @ebusiness pros response! While it’s not possible in Klaviyo currently to segment by disengagement like that, you could specify something like this: 

In the last 180 days has received at least X # emails (whatever the minimum would be that you might send for that time period) and has opened 0 and clicked 0 in the last 180 days. You could also specify how long they’ve been on your list - for example, subscribed to X list more than 90 days ago AND has received at least X number of emails AND has clicked 0 in the last 180 days and opened zero in the last 180 days. 

  • 0 replies
  • July 14, 2023

Thank you, everyone, for very helpful guidances. Creating many segments the above ways and refining them is the approriate way to do in my case. Anyway, I still hope that Klaviyo's product team will add something to segment didn't engage over the last X number of emails, and keep things simpler. 😄
Wish everyone a great day!