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Segments have vanished without deleted them

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I noticed that a lot of the segments I created for a client account are gone without knowing why.

Nobody touched anything, they just vanished.

Could you help me figured out how this happened and how to get them back?

Thanks a lot!

Best answer by Jessica eCommerce Badassery

@Nico01 Have you checked under inactive segments? If you don’t use them for awhile, they will go inactive. There’s a button across the top of the lists and segments page. 


Starred segments won’t go inactive



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Jessica eCommerce Badassery

@Nico01 Have you checked under inactive segments? If you don’t use them for awhile, they will go inactive. There’s a button across the top of the lists and segments page. 


Starred segments won’t go inactive



Partner - Silver
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  • Partner - Silver
  • 11 replies
  • August 1, 2023
Jessica eCommerce Badassery wrote:

@Nico01 Have you checked under inactive segments? If you don’t use them for awhile, they will go inactive. There’s a button across the top of the lists and segments page. 


Starred segments won’t go inactive



Hey Jessica,

Yes there were there. I totaly forgot the “inactive segments section” and I was also freaked out 😉.

Thanks for your help anyway.