Hi @tombarrow,
Once a user has been skipped into a Flow, you can’t move them back as everything is time based. You can do a few things, if you think it’s worth the effort:
- You can create a Segment (or a List) of all those that were skipped, and then send a one-time Campaign of the missing emails. I recommend this approach as it’s fairly clean and low effort.
- You can create a temporary new Flow based on that Segment (or other rules) to better time a subsquent message tto “patch in” the missing message
- Depending if you have a long wait time to the next message, you can “Insert a new Flow Message” with a Message Filter to “resend” the skipped message. Just be careful on this as you don’t want subsequent folks in the Flow to get a duplicate/repeat message.
Each of those above needs a lot of testing/validation/filtering to make sure you don’t accidentally send a subscriber a duplicate message so triple check if the Segment (or Filter Rules) properly selects the ones that were inadvertently skipped.
Hope this helps!
Joseph Hsieh // retentioncommerce.com // twitter: @retenion