@tthomas1912 Are your first purchase discounts time sensitive? meaning do they expire within a specific timeframe?
To give some answers to your question and solve this issue I think it's important to also consider that with fill in a form = yes does not equal they haven't used their coupon yet.
So someone can have this property set to yes but also already have used their coupon.
In order to solve this issue I think you would need to use some Klaviyo magic and also use the Klaviyo Update Profile Property functions in a flow.
In the welcome flow, the one handing out the coupon I would add a step, either directly before or directly after the first email that updates the profile property and adds a profile property - i.e. “received welcome discount = true”.
I would then create another flow, that is triggered on a placed order event, that then removes this property or sets it to false.
Lastly I would also create yet another flow, triggered on subscribe to the same list, that also set's this property to false (with a filter on placed order since starting this flow, because the previous placed order flow will then take precedence).
If you want to completely go wild, you can also create a webhook action in the welcome flow that updates the profile property and sends the coupon code as a profile-property that you can then re-use as well in i.e. campaigns that you're sending.
This would actually be an awesome feature to have in Klaviyo if you'd be able to dynamically call this information. Klaviyo is showing which coupons are active for customers so would be great if you could have this as a condition as well.
Anyway I hope this has helped somehow.
Omar Lovert // Polaris Growth // Klaviyo Master Platinum Partner
We help with e-commerce growth through CRO, Klaviyo and CVO