What would be the best way to collect e-mail addresses and other information on a physical event?
I thought about creating a full-page sign-up form or customizing the subscription page of a specific list.
What would you do to gather the data the right way and to have a smooth input process ?
Best answer by KatherineB
Hi @Nico01 great question! The full page sign up form is a great idea - if you have a tablet you could post it at the event and people could input their own email info and will automatically be added to the list. Much better than having people write out their email and having to manually upload all of those addresses!
I would make sure to use a hidden profile property so that you know which event/area the subs came from (if you have more than one). Hope this helps!
Hi @Nico01 great question! The full page sign up form is a great idea - if you have a tablet you could post it at the event and people could input their own email info and will automatically be added to the list. Much better than having people write out their email and having to manually upload all of those addresses!
I would make sure to use a hidden profile property so that you know which event/area the subs came from (if you have more than one). Hope this helps!