Shopify tags are passed in a list (array). Therefore the correct display logic is 'XL' in person|lookup:'Shopify Tags' which will show the block if the tag list has XL in it.
Conversely not 'XL' in person|lookup:'Shopify Tags' will display if it doesn’t find that value.
To echo @JessFosnough comment about spelling/caps, this logic will only work if the Shopify tag you specify is exact and contains XL - xl, Xl, or XL shirt etc won’t work.
I don’t have a Shopify integration, so I’m not familiar with their tags - do you know if the tags are imported to Klaivyo as a custom property? If so, the logic below should work:
person|lookup:'Shopifytags' == 'XL'
Note that the quote marks are straight and not curved, this caused problems for me before! Also make sure the spelling and capitalization of both the custom property name and the custom property value are exact - ie, if XL is 2 capitl letters, don’t use lowercase letters.
Thanks so much. I really appreciate your help. So yes the Shopify tags are imported as a custom property, but unfortunately this hasn’t worked. I think it is because the Shopify Tags custom property is formatted slightly different to the others, as there are multiple tags. Screenshot attached.
Do you know if there is a way to use logic that says Custom Property, Shopify Tags contains XL as opposed to equals XL?
Shopify tags are passed in a list (array). Therefore the correct display logic is 'XL' in person|lookup:'Shopify Tags' which will show the block if the tag list has XL in it.
Conversely not 'XL' in person|lookup:'Shopify Tags' will display if it doesn’t find that value.
To echo @JessFosnough comment about spelling/caps, this logic will only work if the Shopify tag you specify is exact and contains XL - xl, Xl, or XL shirt etc won’t work.
Ahh, yes, the logic for list (array) is sligtly different since they have more than one value. Thank you @bluesnapper! Hopefully Andy’s logic does the trick for you, @KSteam!