Yes, there is a way to resolve it. Please follow the steps below:
Find which list (where profiles/customers are syncing from Shopify to Klaviyo) is selected in your Shopify integration with Klaviyo.
Click on the identified list.
Navigate to the list's settings.
Click on the "Consent" tab.
At the bottom of the page, you will find the opt-in options.
Change the selection to "Single Opt-In". It might currently be set to "Double Opt-In", which is why you are receiving the opt-in confirmation emails from Klaviyo.By switching to single opt-in, you will no longer receive the opt-in confirmation emails from klaviyo
Yes, there is a way to resolve it. Please follow the steps below:
Find which list (where profiles/customers are syncing from Shopify to Klaviyo) is selected in your Shopify integration with Klaviyo.
Click on the identified list.
Navigate to the list's settings.
Click on the "Consent" tab.
At the bottom of the page, you will find the opt-in options.
Change the selection to "Single Opt-In". It might currently be set to "Double Opt-In", which is why you are receiving the opt-in confirmation emails from Klaviyo.By switching to single opt-in, you will no longer receive the opt-in confirmation emails from klaviyo