Hello everyone,
I've had this idea I want to implement for a client. In a nutshell, I want to develop a flow system that uses the concept of progressive personalization. What this means is, I want to further personalize the next email, based on the users activity in the previous email of a flow. Here's an example: User gets sent Email 1 as part of a flow, and in that email they click on Product 1. This now means, that in Email 2 of the flow, they will receive recommendations for Products 1.2 and 1.3. As you can guess, these products are closely related to Product 1.
I've been researching all the possibilities, but I'm not entirely sure whether this exact use case is possible or not. Also, if you know how this can be done, it'll be greatly appreciated to receive some sort of guidance of how the setup for this would look like.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, as well as thank you in advance for your help!