Hello everyone!
I want to explore the possibility of building an Evergreen Flow for our newsletter. Right now, we follow a schedule of 1 email campaign per week + segmented emails sprinkled here and there depending on opportunity.
Our current setup requires too much time to maintain, and coming up with new content that is balanced every week is getting harder and harder, overall taking a disproportionate amount of bandwidth as we really need to focus on developing the brand (we are a very small team, with me being the only one on the marketing campaigns workflow).
It sounds like an Evergreen Flow, while requiring a good bit of work to first setup, would allow us to approach our email marketing strategy with a more focused (and less time-demanding) approach.
I am curious to hear what your experience with evergreen flows has been/is, as well as any insight, takeaways or general advice you may have for someone that is first starting to structure it.
So curious to hear your thoughts!