Hey there to those that find this post and are looking for a solution!
Just wanted to follow-up with everyone on why this issue may occur with having the referral link not past through.
When Klaviyo JavaScript is installed, the cookie __kla_id
tracks when someone clicks through a Klaviyo email and is redirected to your website. You can find our information on this here: About Cookies in Klaviyo
When you go to a site for example in Canada with a referral link, it will show as you are not cookied in your US site when clicking the link despite cookie-ing myself on the CA site.
Klaviyo cookies visitors when they have:
signed up using a Klaviyo-made form
clicked into your site from a Klaviyo email
added ?utm_email=example@email.com to the URL
started a checkout and entered email into field
been identified via a Javascript Identify API request (through Klaviyo's Identify API)
Essentially, since the redirect is happening between what Klaviyo sees as two different websites and across two different Klaviyo accounts, the cookies and cached information up until they were identified would most likely be encrypted until they take one of the above actions on the site they were redirected to be identified there.
A workaround that I have seen is to create multiple Klaviyo accounts for multiple locations.
By doing this, you can use referral links and track data among different countries!
Hope this helped!