Hi @Nadelmikado,
Thanks for your reply.
You may want to try viewing the double opt-in email on another email client i.e. Gmail. If you notice the opt-in email is displaying for the other email client(s), I recommend checking your local inbox settings (which may be blocking the text). You may also want to dig further into the Microsoft forum to troubleshoot issues pertaining to the Outlook email client.
If you notice the opt-in email is not displaying for other email clients, you may want to investigate your firewall settings that could be blocking the email text. Also, if this email landed in another folder other than the primary inbox (i.e. spam folder) I’d try moving it to the primary inbox and see if that resolves.
Also, is it only the double opt-in email that is showing up blank or is it other emails too? If it’s only the double opt-in email, then I would also look at the list-specific double opt-in page and ensure you don’t have your text set to the same color as the background (or something funky with the display settings causing it to appear blank). You may want to test the double opt-in email with another Klaviyo list and see if you have the same result to rule this out.
In short, I’d start by taking steps to determine if this is the client, the Klaviyo list or a local setting/firewall on your computer. If it is indeed an issue with the double opt-in page for the specific Klaviyo list, you could always create a new list and re-add your contacts (by exporting them from the original list and re-importing them into your new list). If you decide to do this, just make sure to also clone any flows you have triggered off of this original list and update it to the new list and update any segment definitions with the old list and use the new list instead. Another option to resolve this issue is to switch to single opt-in.
I hope that’s helpful.