I have a “Welcome Back” flow setup to encourage users to revisit the site with gradually increasing discount codes offered throughout the journey.
Some customers are willing to wait until I offer the final code in the flow, but that code is the same no matter how many times they have completed the flow, so they cannot use it again.
Is there a way to make it so every time the flow is re-entered, they are given a new code by the time they go through the entire flow?
Best answer by Manny Singh
Hey @alex.hong came across your answer from a different, but similar, thread in the community that might help @GeorgeW as well.
@GeorgeW essentially the same code will show for that subscriber as long as it doesn’t expire within the timeframe they see it.
@chelsgrove has great questions to get more context. Sounds like the strategy of this flow may need tweaking. If it’s a Welcome Back flow, I’d be interested why people are entering it frequently.
What is the trigger your have set up for your flow? Do people frequently re-enter it? If so I would use a filter to not allow anyone to enter the flow again. Or create multiple paths, so that if that have been in the flow in let’s say the last 30 days they get a different set of emails.
@GeorgeW essentially the same code will show for that subscriber as long as it doesn’t expire within the timeframe they see it.
@chelsgrove has great questions to get more context. Sounds like the strategy of this flow may need tweaking. If it’s a Welcome Back flow, I’d be interested why people are entering it frequently.
Thank you for the quick replies and the advice. I am likely describing the flow incorrectly. as when I Googled “Welcome Back” flow, it showed a resubscription flow and that is not what I meant.
Thinking about it further, I think it is more of an extended duration Reorder Flow. Essentially, I have multiple paths setup that offer a customer who has ordered at least once a coupon of increasing value to tempt them to come back and make another order (10%, 15% and finally 20%). Currently, I have quite a few customers who wait until they get the last 20% coupon before they reorder.
I am fine with them being this price sensitive and waiting until they receive this coupon before they reorder, and I may place them in an accelerated flow to get them to reorder sooner, but I want to make sure they are receiving unique coupons, so they can go through this process multiple times. As a bandaid, I have made it so they can use the coupons and the coupon itself can be used multiple times, but I am worried about the coupon being abused and scraped by coupon sites if I continue doing it this way.
Currently, I allow customers to reenter the same flow whenever they make a purchase, as I do want them to reorder. It sounds like I should be creating another flow once they have reordered, so I can tweak timing and generate a unique coupon, but wouldn’t I experience the same problem that they receive the same coupon as long as the coupon hasn’t expired? Should I be making the coupon expire sooner?
Hope the context helps and thank you for all the probing questions to figure out my inaccurate terminology!