I am experiencing a problem while creating a new workflow.
I have tried to set the trigger up but when I click the “Done” button an error banner appears:
Error banner
I can’t save the worfklow neither going on in the setting of the worfkflow.
I have also noticed that if I enter in an existing workflow and I try to make some changes, it is impossible to modify it: the box starts loading without any success.
I would first suggest clearing the cache and cookies on your browser and doing a fully restart of your browser/computer. After doing this trying to log back into Klaviyo from either an incognito or private browser.
If those steps haven’t alleviated the issue, I suspect this is related to the network you’re connected and working off of. A 403 error typically indicates some sort of authentication error. Paired with a network error sounds like something related to your how you’re connecting. I’ve previously discussed this in another Community post which I’ve linked below:
I would first suggest clearing the cache and cookies on your browser and doing a fully restart of your browser/computer. After doing this trying to log back into Klaviyo from either an incognito or private browser.
If those steps haven’t alleviated the issue, I suspect this is related to the network you’re connected and working off of. A 403 error typically indicates some sort of authentication error. Paired with a network error sounds like something related to your how you’re connecting. I’ve previously discussed this in another Community post which I’ve linked below:
Restart your device. Open your Settings app and tap Network & internet or Connections. Depending on your device, these options may be different. Turn Wi-Fi off and mobile data on, and check if there's a difference. If not, turn mobile data off and Wi-Fi on and check again.