As you will most likely know serving a relevant pop up to each customer is key to increasing sign up rate. For example if you run a bike shop then the pop up on the specialized road bike pages should have a creative with a road bike image and perhaps text such as ‘Road Bikes good enough for the Tour De France’ whilst if on a mountain bike page the pop up would have a different image and text such as ‘ Serious bikes for Serious Terrain’, etc. It is partcularly important on stores where is a split ie there is little overlap where road bikers are also keen mountain bikers and vice versa. The same goes for yachts and power boats, Himalayan adventurers and festival goers both landing on a tent product should likewise receive a different pop up.
Howver if you have perphaps 150 brands across different product groups the creation of custom pop ups can be quite a task to undertake. Added to this you should ideally have a welcome flow to reflect the pop up used and first email would for example welcom the road biker with relevant text and image. You could continue to send separate flows or then merge back into main welcome flow.
Question is; Does anyone have experience of scaling out 50+ pop ups within a single account. I do understand that an option is to create silos eg all road bike brands to one pop up. However even better would be a popup for each brand and of course once the initial work is done the uplift in subscribe rate will continue to pay for the work.
I look forward to your feedback.