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Latest integration to show reviews on email flows

Contributor I

I added the code from’s instructions and even spoke to them on the live chat, then gave them access to my Klaviyo account. They aren’t sure why it won’t work and left it with me… 

I’d like to show Product, Price and the Reviews. I want to use this on abandoned cart flow and browse abandonment flow. 

This is the code they asked me to use:

<div> {% with|slugify %} {% for product in feeds.JudgemeReviewInfoFeed.products %} {% with productIdJdgm=product.product_id|slugify %} {% if productIdJdgm == productIdKlaviyo %} <span style="font-size: 18px; color: #399999; letter-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 12px; display: inline-block;"> {% if product.average_rating >= 4.5 and product.average_rating <= 5 %} ★★★★★ {% elif product.average_rating >= 3.5 and product.average_rating < 4.5 %} ★★★★☆ {% elif product.average_rating >= 2.5 and product.average_rating < 3.5 %} ★★★☆☆ {% elif product.average_rating >= 1.5 and product.average_rating < 2.5 %} ★★☆☆☆ {% elif product.average_rating >= 1 and product.average_rating < 1.5 %} ★☆☆☆☆ {% endif %} </span> <span>{{ product.review_count }} {% if product.review_count == 1 %} review {% else %} reviews {% endif %} </span> {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %}</div>

Can anyone help me, please? 

Best answer by wernstrom

Hey @retention , thank you so much for that checklist! I was having trouble with the review testimonials feed and it was a single upper case “M” that had been the culprit all along. Multiple attempts at figuring it out from myself and even support didn’t catch it.

Thank you!

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Partner - Platinum
  • 2025 Champion
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  • March 24, 2023

Hey @BretB, welcome to the community - I saw this is your first post!

First, which platform are you on?  Shopify, BigCommerce, … because the variable names might vary based on the platform, that’s an important context to be able to help. So the code you shared is exactly what’s in’s documentation here, so I’m fairly confident there’s nothing wrong with it.

A couple of troubleshooting suggestions:

  • Did you double check the feed URL?  Since it’s a URL, you can just open it in your browser and make sure you see data coming in from it (and its not empty) Here are other troubleshooting tips to see if it’s the Feed that’s the problem: How to add a custom web feed in an email : Test or validate your feed
  • Did you label your feed: JudgemeReviewInfoFeed exactly as it’s spelled with the same exact upper/lower casing?
  • Did you set the Table’s Display Options : Content Repeat for the Item/Alias?  In your code example, it should be Repeat for event.items and the Item alias should be item
  • Did you click the </> icon to add the code above as Source, and then clicked on it again for it to “take effect” (saved).  If you just pasted it in without doing that, it renders the code as text (and not as code).  
  • Is the product showing up without the reviews, or is nothing showing up?  If nothing is showing up you might have placed the code in the wrong part of the Browse or Cart abandonment and accidentally overwritten other parts of the cart/browse abandoned items.
  • Have you flipped through a few other examples in the Preview mode just to make sure it wasn’t that specific product/user? 
  • This is a silly question, it’s the “did you plug it in” type question but just in case: but does the product you’re looking at have any reviews?  Are the reviews published and Live?  Are you on the same account/site (some folks have testing or staging environments).

Give those a try and let us know if you figured out.  ALso, if you can show us what it looks like (in Preview) to see where/how it’s not working, it might give us more helpful clues.​​​

  • Partner
  • 7 replies
  • February 22, 2024

Hey @retention I tried all your troubleshooting and am still having an issue where nothing shows up. The feed is working (tested it in preview) but I’m wondering if my “content repeat” is wrong. In’s documentation they say “Depending on the email template you use, you might need to change the variable in the code block.” but they don’t say what I’d need to possibly change it to… any ideas here?



Partner - Platinum
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  • February 22, 2024

Hi @kirtky97 - can you share some code snippets or screenshots to get a better idea what you’re referring to?  

If you can show an example payload of the event data (redact any personal info) you get from, and the value you’re using for “content repeat” in the block, we might be able to give you some suggestions.

Can you also link to the documentation you’re referencing?  

  • Problem Solver II
  • 98 replies
  • Answer
  • March 19, 2024

Hey @retention , thank you so much for that checklist! I was having trouble with the review testimonials feed and it was a single upper case “M” that had been the culprit all along. Multiple attempts at figuring it out from myself and even support didn’t catch it.

Thank you!

  • Klaviyo Employee
  • 2 replies
  • October 31, 2024

Hey @BretB!

I’m Jeffrey, Product Manager on the Klaviyo Reviews team.


I’m happy to announce we also have this feature natively within Klaviyo Reviews. Would love for you to try it out!