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Schedule a promotional campaign to different time zone profiles

  • May 1, 2023
  • 1 reply

Active Contributor IV
  • Active Contributor IV
  • 45 replies



I am facing a problem with a promotional campaign scheduling.


Our customers are based worldwide so I assume that the best strategy is to send a campaign according to the recipient’s time zone. I was doing this for some time and then realized that not all purchasers are removed from the list. When I schedule a campaign I always remove profiles that made a purchase in the last 30 days. I have a segment for this purpose, but if the purchase is made after when I schedule a campaign, then the profile remains in the recipients list. 


I host a promotion for a week and send an email every day. If the person is in an active segment she/he will receive 7 emails per week and I obviously do not want to bother people who made a purchase in a Day1 or Day2 and so on. For this purpose I was excluding the purchasers segment, but unfortunately this doesn’t work if a campaign is scheduled in a recipients’ time zone.


This time I will be experimenting with a campaign and flow combo.

Here is my plan:

Day 1. Scheduled campaign at a recipient’s time zone. 

Con: profiles that made a purchase between the scheduling time and the beginning of the promotion are not excluded.

Day 2-7 emails will be sent by flow. I created a segment that will enter every person who received Day 1 email. This segment will trigger a flow and will send next 6 emails.

Pros: I will be able to exclude persons who made a purchase during this promotion and send email at the most appropriate time according to recipient time zone. 

Cons: There is additional work involved in creating segments and flow. Also I am not sure if the analytics will be easy to digest. 


What’s the best solution for this to schedule a promotional campaign in advance and in a recipients’ time zone and exclude purchasers? 


Maybe someone found an easy and suitable way?

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1 reply

Community Manager

Hey @Lina 

Thank you so much for reaching out for help with your campaign and flow sending times.

As you already know about the campaign sending options, determining recipients at send time cannot be used when you choose to send based on each recipient's time zone. However, the solution you have come up with will work. Although there may be some leg work to get this set up correctly with the flow, you will be able to clone and update the flow for future promotional sends which will save you time. You will still be able to track message performance in the flows analytics.

Thanks again for being an active contributor in the community!