Hi - I have a group of existing email customers from shopify that were added to klaviyo, but were not added to the “newsletter” list. I can see them in klaviyo and can see that they are marked as consented to marketing, but I can’t find a way to add them to the newsletter list. Any ideas?
Best answer by Bobi N.
Make sure your Shopify integration is connected to the right list that you want these people to be added as it seems in this case Newsletter list for future people.. and for already existing people you can always create a segment of people who are subscribed but not in newsletter list.. than download the emails from the segment and upload them manually to the newsletter list..
Make sure your Shopify integration is connected to the right list that you want these people to be added as it seems in this case Newsletter list for future people.. and for already existing people you can always create a segment of people who are subscribed but not in newsletter list.. than download the emails from the segment and upload them manually to the newsletter list..
@Bobi N. is spot on here! As part of the initial sync between Shopify and Klaviyo, contacts that were shared to Klaviyo would not be placed in any specific list. Instead these contacts would be considered Active Profiles which you can find and locate under the Profile’s tab or searching for them from the search bar near the top of the page.
Keep in mind that Active Profiles are a culmination of all contacts in your Klaviyo that is not suppressed. This means your Active Profiles will also contain those profiles that are synced over to Klaviyo as part of general engagement, and may not have provided explicit consent to join a list.
For this reason, I would suggest manually exporting a list of those contacts from Shopify who have opted into your marketing lists and manually import them into a Klaviyo list; similar to what Bobi had suggested. To import contacts to Klaviyo, I would suggest taking a look at the following Help Center articles Klaviyo offers which also has directions on how to go about doing so:
OK, thanks. It just seemed strange that I would need to import from shopify to klaviyo profiles that are already in klaviyo. You would imagine that there would be a way to add profiles that are already in klaviyo to different lists.
Definitely can understand the confusion on this! This is because as part of the Shopify integration with Klaviyo, Klaviyo is not notified the consent status of your contacts. In addition, as part of the Klaviyo’s guidelines, we recommend only using lists and adding contacts to lists that contain profiles who have shared explicit consent to join your marketing lists. For this reason, to maintain consent across the board, we do recommend identifying and manually importing those contacts who have shared consent to a list.
For more information on list compliance, I recommend taking a look at the About Compliant Lists Help Center article.