Hello @samgood1,
Interesting case you have here!
Can you confirm if you’ve enabled SMS within your account before importing these contacts to your Klaviyo account? From my experience, a common reason why SMS consent isn’t be collected within an account is that the SMS feature hasn’t been turned on in the account yet. You can learn how to get started and enable the SMS feature if you haven’t already from the Getting Started with Klaviyo SMS and MMS Help Center article.
I’ve also come across cases where users have trouble importing SMS consent to Klaviyo using a .CSV if certain data points are missing or if they’ve mapped the data points incorrectly. Keep in mind that in addition to importing an SMS consent timestamp, you’ll also need to include both the Phone Number and the Country of the user to successfully collect SMS consent via a .CSV import.
Mapping the data points accurately is also a crucial step as it defines what the data points in the .CSV are for meant for. As mentioned in the Guide to Uploading a List of SMS Contacts Help Center article:
If you uncheck the SMS Consent Timestamp box during the mapping process, you will be able to upload your list of contacts successfully, but won't be able to text these contacts until the SMS Consent Timestamp field has been added.
What this means is that all those contacts within your .CSV will be added to the specific Klaviyo list you are importing to, but SMS consent would not be collected for these users. In order pass SMS consent for these profiles, you’ll need to re-import the .CSV while including this field.
Lastly, I would suggest double checking to make sure that both your phone number fields and your SMS Consent Timestamp field are formatted correctly. You can find out the acceptable format of phone numbers and date fields from both the Accepted Phone Number Formats for SMS in Klaviyo and How to Format Date Variables in Templates Help Center articles.
Thanks for being a part of the Klaviyo Community!