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The challenge with owned media being dependent on paid media

  • November 22, 2021
  • 1 reply

Partner - Gold

I’m noticing that traffic has been significantly down due to the recent iOS14 changes for Facebook Ads. This of course makes a great case for Owned Media as Email & SMS are winning. However, the challenge in this is that email & sms list growth has always *partially* dependent on the success of a brand’s paid ads strategy (unless they were lucky enough to get traffic from organic social and other non-paid avenues). 

With Facebook Ads bringing less & less traffic in for brands, what are ways that “owned media” teams can help to further close the loop with list growth without having to be reliant on Facebook traffic? Contests & Sweeps are one way. Starting an open thread here on what other methods are out there.

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1 reply

  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1552 replies
  • November 22, 2021

Hey there @jennym!
This is an excellent topic and a great post that I’d love to hear other Community members pitch in on. With the holiday season approaching, it would be great to strategize together how owned media teams can find a way to utilize factors outside of the Facebook traffic. 

I believe we have some courses in the Academy regarding Black Friday/ Cyber Monday that could be a great point of discussion on how to capitalize on the increased signups and visits to your website after the event. I wonder what strategies are now utilized to capitalize on their owned media and marketing with those new people, thus turning them into everyday shoppers.

As part of the Community team, I would also love to hear what strategies other experts in this area are using to continue list growth post BFCM!

