I have a bit of an issue… We have been hosting our Klaviyo Embeded Webforms on our website. We have a shopify site. It looks like this www.pirani.life/pages/tortuga - It works but we want these subscribers to be added to a list that is different than the Shopify/Klaviyo integration. I know I can signup for a webhosting like Godaddy (or anything like this) and just embed the widgets there, but since we don’t use them all year, it seemed like a waste. We only use them 4-5 times per year for 2-3 days at a time. I thought I could use the Hosted Page. If this is not the best method, can someone help me.
The issue is we don’t want them on the “Direct to Consumer” list which is the Shopify Integration ad we don’t want to turn of the Shopify Integration for the 2-3 days because that would mean we are losing customers from our website.
Any thoughts would be AMAZING