When using the “Create or Update Profiles” endpoint (/api/profile-import/) , I found a certain scenario that produces an expected result.
Consider this payload:
When a profile already exists for that id, and the email differs, it updates the profile with the new email as I would hope.
However, if another profile exists with this new email address, I expected it to return a 409 with the id of the duplicate profile as described in this question , but it actually returns a 404:
"title":"Not found.",
"detail":"A profile with id {redacted} does not exist.",
But if I do a `GET /api/profiles/{redacted}` with that same id which “does not exist”, I get a successful response. (And can view the profile via klaviyo’s site.)
Is this a bug? Or is there something I can do differently when using this endpoint to be able to distinguish between “Not found” and “Conflict”? I know that email is considered to be unique identifier, but in the first scenario I mentioned, this endpoint doesn’t say “profile not found” because the email differs -- it seems to be unique to the case where another profile has that email.