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Klaviyo session length, automatic logout and uncertainty as to whether changes are saved

  • November 12, 2024
  • 3 replies




I would like to flag up 3 suggestions which would really help myself and my colleagues on a daily basis when using Klaviyo.


1: Session length

tl;dr: Please can we have the option to extend the amount of time we remain logged in to Klaviyo (or if it exists, please let me know where to access this)?

Info: Everyone’s working habits here are to have Klaviyo open all the time. We dip in and out to perform various tasks. We work in a secure office and follow ISO27001 information security practices so workstations are always locked when people are AFK.

It’s would be great to not have to log in every day. I know this has to be balanced against the consideration that Klaviyo contains customer data that we are obliged to keep secure, but perhaps you could consider a two-level security setup? Ie, let us work on campaigns etc for more than 24 hours without an automatic logout, but if we go to look at a page that reveals customer data after more than 24 hours, then prompt us for a re-login.


2: Automatic logout

tl;dr: When Klaviyo logs us out, clear the UI so we don’t try and carry on where we left off

Info: When Klaviyo ends a session, it leaves whatever task you were working on in the tab open. It’s possible to come back to this task, do work on it, and then it’s not possible to save it and the UI behaves strangely rather than just saying ‘you have been logged out’. If when a session ends the UI reverts to the login page that would stop me from doing work which is then not saved.


3: I often don’t know if I’ve saved my changes or not

tl;dr: Give us a save button please

Info: I fully recognise that this might just be a ‘me’ problem, but myself and my colleagues here quite often find ourselves unsure whether we’ve saved our changes or not. Some tasks present us with a ‘saved 1 minute ago’ type dialogue, which is helpful, but there’s not always a save button and although I can’t quantify or qualify this very easily, we really do often find ourselves hunting around for a ‘save’ button. When going back or navigating off one task and onto another, I’m often uncertain if I’m going to lose my work or not.

A positive example would be the sign-up form editor. It lets you know whether you currently have unsaved changed or not with the ‘editing’ flag, and there is a definite save action available to me by clicking ‘publish’.

A negative example is campaign editing. Perhaps I’m being dense but I quite often find myself not knowing whether I’ve saved or not when editing campaigns.

I’m fully aware that all changes are saved as I work, and although placebo buttons are not usually a design choice I go might not hurt in this case, just for my peace of mind.


Many thanks,




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  • Champion & Partner
  • 737 replies
  • November 12, 2024

Hi @dartacus 

I support all your points. Even when I ensure I’ve closed all Klaviyo tabs on a client account before I switch to another client, I often get auto-logged out a few times a day, often while I’m editing something. And when those auto-logouts occur, I only know they have as the UI stops working so I click the Klaviyo logo to bring up the login screen.

On your point 3, I don’t like auto-save generally and would like the option to switch that off (but leave it configurable for those who like having that peace of mind). There are occasions where I would like to edit to a live flow email and test. Having a save or publish would mean I know it’s ready to go in “editing” before ‘”live” and avoids the overhead of saving the email as a template to edit/test it and then import it back into the flow. That is  more error prone too, particularly when making changes to multiple emails.



Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 433 replies
  • November 18, 2024

Hi ​@dartacus

Thanks so much for taking the time to provide us with this detailed feedback! We are incredibly appreciative of you sharing your experience. I have just shared this with folks on our product team who own these areas, I know this will be helpful in driving the product evolution. Thank you again! 


  • Author
  • Problem Solver III
  • 59 replies
  • November 19, 2024

@chloe.strange thanks Chloe, appreciated