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Introducing myself - Brian Turcotte

Brian Turcotte

Hi Developer Group!


My name is Brian and I’m Klaviyo’s new Technical Community Specialist.


I’ve already started to chime in on various threads throughout the Community, but I just wanted to take a second to introduce myself more formally here in the Developer Group


Going forward, I'll be moderating this group and working with you all to find solutions to these topics together. I actually just authored my first Developer Newsletter recap, which you can read here:


I come from a Technical Support Engineering background, and I’m thrilled to join up with Klaviyo and play a part in the incredible environment we’re building here in the Group. Outside of work, here are some of my favorite things:

:closed_book:  Favorite Book

Dune by Frank Herbert

:gem: Most Treasured Possession

My collection of thrifted, nonsensical t-shirts

:clapper: Who would play me in a movie?

My friends say Jeremy Allen White 🤔

:movie_camera:What is your favorite movie?


:island: What is your favorite vacation spot? 

The coolest place I’ve ever been is Ios, Greece


If you haven’t already seen, here are some recent news posts I’m really excited about:


I’m looking forward to trading ideas with everyone, and also hearing your opinions about Dune...🤔


Thanks for being part of the Developer Group!



Brian Turcotte

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