Hi there,
I’m trying to use an RSS feed from my Webflow Collections for ‘Events’ to populate email flows.
My RSS link is here:
The converted JSON format (previewed within Klaviyo Web Feed settings):
"rss": {
"@version": "2.0",
"@xmlns:atom": "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom",
"@xmlns:media": "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/",
"channel": {
"title": "Farrago: Events",
"link": "https://www.farrago.club",
"description": "A fusion of of art, music and performance.",
"pubDate": "Sun, 13 Aug 2023 16:35:13 GMT",
"ttl": "60",
"generator": "Webflow",
"atom:link": {
"@href": "https://www.farrago.club/event/rss.xml",
"@rel": "self",
"@type": "application/rss+xml"
"item": [
"title": "Event | Sound of London | Sep 12, 2023",
"link": "https://www.farrago.club/event/sound-of-london",
"guid": "https://www.farrago.club/event/sound-of-london",
"description": "Sound of London is more than a festival, its a story: a first-of-its-kind 4-day event highlighting various corners of the underground music.",
"pubDate": "Tue, 12 Sep 2023 18:00:00 GMT",
"media:content": {
"@url": "https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/6358e991f1dde90847825b5d/64d66001ad155316398b921c_sol-dp.png",
"@medium": "image"
"media:thumbnail": {
"@url": "https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/6358e991f1dde90847825b5d/64d66001ad155316398b921c_sol-dp.png"
As you can see, the Image media which I need to access is under:
> item
> media:thumbnail
However, Klaviyo’s explicit need for dot notation when referencing means that this is an innaccessible field.
I would expect to do: `item.media:thumbnail.@url` but this presents syntax errors.
Is there another way to access sub-items within an item? More like dictionary searching, for example:
The only alternative I can think of is creating my own microservice which regularly checks the above RSS feed, changes the keys to plain text, and re-publishes the RSS feed under a different link. However, this doesn’t seem ideal nor extensible if I ever want to use RSS feeds from other collections on my site (e.g. Blog Posts, Artists, etc.)