I'm getting this error:
Response body: {"errors":[{"id":"51c07451-b09a-4e77-a460-13cd0b920a28","status":400,"code":"invalid","title":"Invalid input.","detail":"The payload provided in the request is invalid.","source":{"pointer":"/data"},"meta":{}}]}
When trying to call:
@event = KlaviyoAPI::Events.create_event(body)
My body object looks like this:
body = {
data: {
type: 'event',
attributes: {
properties: {
registryID: @registry.id,
registryKind: @registry.kind
time: DateTime.now.new_offset(0).iso8601,
value: 0,
metric: {
data: {
type: 'metric',
attributes: {
name: "Created Registry"
profile: @profile
Any idea what the issue is with my body structure?