I have set up two replenishment flows. One will be going live tmwr and the other is for back population.
I am having issues with the back population flowand I have a few questions:
#1 I have created a segmented list, but the parameters I have set up are only providing profiles that have ordered at least once but it is not taking out profiles who have ordered twice between dates (Aug 1, 2024 - March 3, 2025). When I adjust parameters, it will show everyone who has placed an order more than once (which is a lot lower). How do I set up the parameters correctly so I have the right profiles in the segmented list?
The goal is to send everyone who has only ordered once to reorder/replenish. The flow is set up with a trigger metric, with profile filters, what someone has done/not done.
#2 - When will the first email be sent out to the back population segmented list? My first email is set at 35 days, second email, X days later, third email X days later.
#3 - Will a profile be removed from the flow if they place an order at any time within the email sequence, or do I need to set up a trigger for this?
#4 - I have set up a conditional split at the X days mark to send a reminder email to profiles who have not engaged with the previous 3 emails. Will this email only go out to those who have not engaged with previous 3 emails or to all eventhough an order was placed?