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How to check if user is subscribed or not from a hosted preferences page


I have a hosted preferences page. If someone unsubscribes and comes back to the hosted preferences page it will show their interests checked off even though they unsubscribed. So In my code I would like to do  an if statement that says if they are unsubscribed uncheck the interest checkboxes.

Is there away for me to pull  the user’s email subscription status ? I tried  {{ consent }}  but it doesn’t work.


Thanks Brian I’m checking into it!

Hi @sherbert!

It’s theoretically possible, but it would likely require significant development effort. Here is a Community thread where a member established another custom workaround for a similar use case:


If you’re looking for further development help for your custom preference page, you can always reach out to one of our wonderful Official Klaviyo Partners!




Thanks Brian!

I am using a custom hosted preference page template from within Klaviyo. Am I able to make API calls from that ?


Hi @sherbert!

It will depend on how your hosted page/integration is set up, but you could potentially accomplish this by making an API call to the Get Profile endpoint, which can return a profile’s subscription status:






I hope this helps get you started!

- Brian
