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Changing domains

  • 21 July 2021
  • 3 replies

I want to change my domain, because what is registered I no longer use. how do I do ?

When I try to change the domain name I get the following error:”Unable to validate your address. Check your address and try again. If you see this message again, please check out our support resources at for further assistance.”


Can anyone help?

Hello @Kings of Power,

Great question!

You can change your account’s default domain by navigating to Account > Contact Information > Organization. In addition, since you are updating your domain, I would also suggest updating your Default Sender Email Address as well to ensure your designated brand is aligned. 

If you haven’t already, Klaviyo also offers a Guide to Rebranding in Klaviyo Help Center Article which details on how to update your domain and navigate through a re-brand. 

Thanks for being a Klaviyo Community member!


Hey @BradyFLO,

This error seems to be calling out your organization address - which is preventing you from saving any changes after updating your domain name. 

I would recommend double checking to make sure it’s entered correctly prior to saving any changes. I.E. if you have an address 2 field to utilize it instead of putting everything on the address 1 field, that the correct city,state, or zip code is used, etc.

If you’re in the United States, you can also use this USPS tool to validate and ensure the address is correct. 

