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I would like to have a campaign’s from and reply-to addresses look like they are coming from our owner. However, I don’t want the actual reply-tos to go to her inbox. Is there a way that it can look like it’s coming from the owner but when someone replies, it actually goes to our general inbox? Also not sure if this is something that could end up being a spam issue down the road. 

Hi @EmilyLeDuc


As long as whatever options you choose has the same root domain, it’s your choice!



Thank you Taylor! What are your thoughts on whether I just changed the from name and not the reply-to?

So some emails would be:

Other emails would be: 

Hi @EmilyLeDuc


Welcome to the Community! Happy to help! 

Klaviyo works best as a 1:1 sync and is designed to connect one account per one store/brand. So yes, using a different sender email and reply to address would result in deliverability issues since a company’s sending reputation is developed over time through a combination or sending behavior and infrastructure. Inbox providers will typically mark an email as unverified or spam if they have different root domains for instance, because it doesn’t seem connected to your business.
If you are interested in sending an email from a different email address manually, I would ensure that the root domain remains the same if you want to create an email that looks like it’s coming from the owner. Therefore this would help signal to inboxes that they could trust this email because it’s connected to the root domain of your existing brand. 


However it should be noted that this is a suggestion as we can’t ultimately control where an email lands in the inbox! 


Hope this helps!

