
Can the same dedicated sending domain be shared amongst other Klaviyo accounts? Does the new account need to warm up the domain again?

  • 30 March 2021
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Can the same dedicated sending domain be shared amongst other Klaviyo accounts? Yes, the same dedicated sending domain can be shared amongst other Klaviyo accounts. Does the new account need to warm up the domain again? If the domain is already warmed up by a different Klaviyo account, the new Klaviyo account does not need to warm up the sending domain again. However, it’s important to be cognizant of the performance of all Klaviyo accounts that are using the same sending domain, as it will affect the sender reputation of that one domain.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +60

Hey @Frankie22,

After setting up and having your dedicated sending domain verified and recognized, you can actually remove that record from your DNS. That specific klaviyo-site-verification=xxxxxx record is there to allow the verification process to take place. Once completed however, removing it would not cause any issues. 



Hi All,

I have a number of Klaviyo accounts that have been set up for various international markets we operate in, yet the dedicated sending subdomain is the same in each instance (which I’ve read is totally fine)

Where I’m having trouble is getting our SPF records set up correctly, because one of the key rules of SPF is that you can only have one instance of each mechanism.  So multiple instances of klaviyo-site-verification=xxxxxx causes a permanent failure.

Does anyone have a work around for this?

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hi Patrick! Thank you for your comment. If the sending domain you are looking to use again has been dormant for more than a month, then yes, you would need to re-warm that sending domain. Also, I have a separate FAQ for this question here: 


Let me know if you have any further questions!


Badge +3

Can the same dedicated sending domain be shared amongst other Klaviyo accounts? Yes, the same dedicated sending domain can be shared amongst other Klaviyo accounts. Does the new account need to warm up the domain again? If the domain is already warmed up by a different Klaviyo account, the new Klaviyo account does not need to warm up the sending domain again. However, it’s important to be cognizant of the performance of all Klaviyo accounts that are using the same sending domain, as it will affect the sender reputation of that one domain.

Hi there,

We added a new domain as dedicated sending domain but it changed it on all our accounts. The most important thing now is to get the old sending domain back working with the account we have used for a year. If I add the domain back to that account will I then have to warm up the domain again?

I’ve been in contact with support but no answer for 36 hours and I really just need to know if I can do this to start sending straight away. What we have to do with the other account that should have another domain is for another time because it’s for a new market with no subscribers.. so really we just need to get it back as it was before.
