Hello everyone,
I would really appreciate if you could share how you setup your Sunset Flow.
I have started my list in 2014 in MailChimp and moved from MailChimp to Klaviyo about a year ago.
I have never ever cleaned my list. I know it sounds terrible My list size now is ~10.000 and I managed to score 25% open rates when I send to the entire list. I try to send weekly.
I had the goal of spending one year using Klaviyo and then clearing my list. This was mainly because I wanted everyone on the list to receive Black Friday emails.
So I created Sunset flow.
I spend much time reading how to do it best, but in fact, I still don’t know the best solution.
Sorry for the long prehistory.
I created my Sunset flow using the standard flow. I included profiles in the segment who were inactive for 365 days. They receive 2 emails. The second email is sent after a week. And then, after another 5 days, the profile is marked as ‘suppress’.
The second email has two options. The first option - standard Klaviyo wording. The second option says we miss you, but since you are inactive, we will remove you from the list in 5 days. And then there’s the ‘Wait, Keep me on the list’ button. But now I have doubts on how I should deal with those profiles who received the second letter and opened it, but did not click the button. Discard them or send further emails?
It might still be logical to send emails to those who received the first option, but what to do with those who received the second option? I said I would delete them from the list, so it would be fair not to email them again if the profile did not express a desire to stay on the list by clicking the button?
Here is the email I am concerned about:

I have a technical question of how to do this. Flow is set so that the profiles that open the email are filtered out and will no longer go to the last step and will not be marked as ‘suppressed’. What's more, the profile becomes active now and becomes eligible to receive our weekly emails.
Here is how my Sunset Flow looks like: