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Here is the scenario:

Visitor comes to my site and looks around, and decides to leave.

Exit intent popup shows and they fill it out to get a coupon emailed to them.

They check their email and get the coupon.

A period of time passes, say a month, and they come back to the site and look around and leave

The exit intent popup shows again, this time prefilled since they’ve already filled it out.

The problem is that they do not get a new email because they are already in the Exit Intent Coupon Flow.


Is there a workaround to this?  Other platforms allow you to trigger a flow based on things like tags, and you can add/remove tags within a flow so you can keep people getting the same TYPE of email over and over again, like a exit intent coupon...

Hi @TorchedProducts

Could be frustraiting not to find a solution to your problem, but I would be more polite as this a community, not a support channel.

The solution to your issue is to use a trigger based on “Form submitted by profile” and filter the trigger based on the ID of the Popup Form. This way, each time someone fill the form will entered the Flow.

I hope it helps (if no, please don’t kill me 😉)

Hi @TorchedProducts,

Assuming that your exit intent pop-up is linked to a Klaviyo list, a profile can’t enter a Klaviyo list twice. Even if you did remove the profile from the list after the first signup, the flow wouldn’t be triggered when the profile is re-added.

Instead, you could make an API call using Klaviyo’s Track API -- for example, “Triggered Exit Intent.” If that user has opted in, you could then send them an email with the coupon.

Does that address the issue you’re referencing? Happy to provide further recommendations if you can clarify where the misunderstanding is.



Hi @TorchedProducts

Thanks for being a part of our Klaviyo Community. I’m sorry that the clarifying questions and resolution @caroline suggested were not helpful in solving your problem. Perhaps there are some screenshots or examples you might be able to share that help illustrate your point more. The Community forum is meant to be a space for you to connect with other Klaviyo users and brand builders to learn tips and best practices, and we're eager to help you find a resolution for your questions. However, Community members can only provide their feedback/experiences given that there's a good understanding of what you're trying to accomplish. 

Thanks so much for understanding, 

You clearly aren’t listening or understanding. I can’t keep explaining this to you over and over again. Your solution doesn’t solve my problem. 

Hi there,

A metric-triggered flow can be triggered multiple times. I would suggest changing the flow to be triggered by a “Subscribed to List” metric, rather than the list or segment itself.

Guide to Creating a Metric-Triggered Flow

Understanding the Subscribed to List Metric



I am not sure why this is so hard to understand.  I WANT TO CREATE a flow that is triggered not once, like when you are added to a segment or list, but rather anytime a contact interacts with a form.

They come to the site, see a form, fill it out and get a coupon emailed to them.  They come back a few days later, see the same form, fill it out, and get a coupon sent to them (same as before).  I just want it to be triggered as often as they interact with the form.

Hi there,

Sorry, I’m unclear -- your last response was “The profile will go through the flow as many times as they interact with the form.” Did you mean that this is your end goal, or this is how your current flow is functioning?



I am trying to create a flow where a person can enter it again and again, much like an abandon cart or browse abandonment flow, but one that would be triggered by a form instead.

Hi there,

If the profile can go through the flow as many times as they interact with the form, what is limiting the customer from receiving another email?

“The problem is that they do not get a new email because they are already in the Exit Intent Coupon Flow.” -- if they fill out the form again, wouldn’t they enter the flow again in that case?



The profile will go through the flow as many times as they interact with the form.

Hi there,

Do you mean that the event itself will only fire one time, or that the profile will only go through the flow once because it is segment-triggered?



It can be a segment or a list based, but it will only fire one time.  That is the limitation.  Would be better if you could fire a flow based on a tag that you can add or remove.

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing with the Community! Is your Exit Intent Coupon Flow a segment-triggered flow?


