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We just enabled abandoned carts and its been filtering the right people away. But, we just noticed an issue with a customer who placed an order 4 hours ago:

I’t still did not detect, that the order was placed? How can we prevent this? We use woocommerce.

Hello @HPB,

Thank you for sharing your question and your update with us.

I am glad to hear that you were able to identify the source of the issue. Klaviyo uses the email address as the unique identifier for the profile. Therefore, if another email address takes an action (i.e. places an order), that will be logged as a discrete event on that other email address. The name can be anything, that will not impact how Klaviyo attributes events to the profile. It’s completely based on the email address.

With respect to detection, Klaviyo uses the email address input field on the WooCommerce checkout page or the customer log-in email address to log “Started Checkout”. If the user completes the order from that point, they should log the “Placed Order” event in both scenarios on the same profile. You may want to double-check that for logged-in users, it is not prompting them to re-enter their email address on the checkout page. If so, you may want to work with WooCommerce to adjust your checkout page to ensure that logged-in users need not fill out the email address input field on the checkout page again. This will prevent any inconsistencies from popping up.

Additionally, you may want to check that Woo is not auto-storing a separate email address on the checkout-page from the email address they use to log into the account. I can see one or both of these potentially causing an issue, but it would be best to check in with WooCommerce on this.

In rare cases, the user may input their email address on the checkout page, exit, later log in with another device and complete the checkout. That could potentially cause an issue if the user was not logged-in to begin with. If the user is logged-in, the cookie should carry over from the computer to the phone and vice versa. But again I would double-check these points with WooCommerce to ensure everything is squared away in this regard. While these are some methods to investigate why events are being attributed to separate profiles, ultimately, Klaviyo requires the same email in order to match the events to the same profile.

I hope that is helpful.



I figured out the issue and found it happening on 3 separate occasions today. This relates to the person starting the checkout, but placing the order to a different email or as a different person's name. Is there a way to detect that? If the cookie detects any placed order, it should prevent every linked account to that browser cookie in that session to receive an abandoned cart.  
