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Replenishment Flow for 15 single products and 8 bundles

  • 20 March 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi there, 


I’m trying to figure out the best way to set up our replenishment flows. We make skincare, and have 15 individual products and 8 bundles. 


Most customers will buy a mixture of single products and bundles, our average order quantity is 3 products. Each product will last for a different length of time. 


Should I create replenishment flows based on each individual product? If I do that though, a customer will then receive on average 3 different replenishment flows (each consisting of 3 emails). I’m concerned that will be too much. 


If I create a single replenishment flow though, based on their order, and the average time between orders (and dynamically fill that email with their order content), then I’m concerned that the timing will be out of sync with some of the products. Having said that, doing it this way probably does make more sense? 


In the long run, we will probably encourage customers to subscribe, so that will move them out of this flow...


What do you think about this replenishment issue? How would you approach it?  


Many thanks, Richard. 

Hi @Rd77,

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Instead of setting up discrete flows, you may want to consider consolidating everything in a single flow and use trigger splits. When someone places an order, they’ll only trigger one flow once therefore you can more easily manage the number of emails sent because it’s all controlled within a single flow. Here’s an example what that would look like: 


If you wish to cut down on the email volume, further, you can consider enabling smart sending for your replenishment emails.

I’m also sharing our article on building a replenishment flow (in case you haven’t checked that out already).

I hope that helps :) 
