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I am aware we can collect customer birthdays using the sign up form, however, I’m interested in knowing if we can put the birthday data collected during the checkout field as checkout attribute on Shopify plus to be attached as a custom field on customer profiles to be used on Kalivyo flows making use of birthdays? Please see screenshot below:



Hey @HealthspanHolistic 

In regards to getting the birthday data to sync automatically, you may need to do some configuration from Shopify's end. From what I understand, information like this is usually added to Shopify Profiles under the "Additional Information" section, but I'm unsure if that is the case for you/in general.
If you add the birthdays as an attribute in Shopify, Klaviyo will sync it over as a custom property. You would create a birthday tag/custom attribute on the profiles so Klaviyo can capture the information. I found these articles on creating a customer attribute in Shopify, but you may want to reach out to Shopify directly:

I apologize that I can't provide more assistance with this, but hope this helps point you in the right direction! 

Hi! Did you ever figure out how to collect a customer’s birthday on the Checkout page?

Hi @Edgywebsites,

My pleasure! Of course feel free to ask away anytime! Shared information helps us and future Community members that may stumble upon this post with similar situations!

Custom properties collected in Klaviyo’s forms will be attributed to just Klaviyo data. If you are collecting Shopify data from Shopify’s own forms, then the customer records would be tied directly to source - as metafield data presumably. 

Our Shopify integration does allow for syncing of some fields from Klaviyo > Shopify in terms of profile data: name, email, and Shopify tags. However, it won't include location data or custom properties.
I'm not aware of any out of the box integrations that can accomplish this so you will likely need to use our API to pull that data and add it to your Shopify backend.

If you run into development errors or bugs along the way, I recommend reaching out to our lovely Support team as they will be better suited to dive deeper into your account specifically and assist you will all technical aspects and troubleshooting there as well.


Hope this answered your question and have a good day!


Hi @alex.hong,

Great! Thank you so much! I’d like to ask one more question if you don’t mind. Are these custom properties on a customer profile attached to customer object within the shopify customer records as well or just on Klaviyo? If they are, are they attached as customer metafields or something else? 


Many thanks, 

Hi @Edgywebsites !

No problem! Glad I could get us started in finding a solution to your question!

The best way to create a birthday flow would be to bring the birthday date into profiles as its own custom property and not a Shopify tag. That way, you could create a Date Property Triggered Flow
You can upload a list of the birthday day and month into your account, which would add the birthday as a custom property ​in existing profiles. You could then create a flow that triggers a few days or weeks before the birthday.
If you are not interested in uploading these custom properties, I would suggest taking a look at the Klaviyo sign-up form builder where you can collect additional information, including interests and birthdays.


Let me know if you have further questions!


Hi @alex.hong,

Thank you so much for taking time to post your detailed reply, I really appreciate it. What I am trying to figure out is if I can make use of the birthday data that I collect over the checkout. The ways that I could attach this data to customer profiles is as customer notes or customer tags, for e.g. like below:


Would it be possible for Klaviyo to read this tag and make sense of birthday data, and hence to be used in a flow to trigger a discount on their birthday? I’m sorry I didn’t really get the idea of segments where tags could be used like the mentioned above. Any further help would be very much apprecaited.



Hi @Edgywebsites ,

Thanks for posting to the Community! It’s great to hear you’ve thought about setting up birthday flows as part of your marketing strategy!

The solution may differ based on how you are storing your data for birthdays in Shopify. Essentially if you are creating a separate custom profile property tag for Shopify’s birthdays, then you'll need to add the tag in Shopify and Create a Segment to capture these profiles. You'd then be able to trigger a flow to that segment.

This article: Creating and using tags in Shopify may be of help.
To add a tag:

  1. Open the specific draft order in Shopify.

  2. In the Tags section, enter the name of a tag you want to add or select it from the list of existing tags. If you enter the name for a new tag, then it will automatically be created for future use in the section.

  3. Click Save.

You can also add a tag from the full list that appears when you click View all tags on the product, transfer, draft order, or customer details page:

  1. In the Tags section, click View all tags.

  2. Select a tag from the list.

  3. Click Apply changes.

If you are not using a Shopify tag as a way of tracking this custom property, there would be another solution. Since Shopify birthday data is not something that is automatically synced into Klaviyo through the integration, you would need to export them from Shopify and manually upload them to a list in Klaviyo. In order to use someone's birthday as the trigger for a flow, the date needs to be in one of Klaviyo’s accepted formats, YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY. Since you already have these people's birthdays, you can potentially modify the dates to be in the correct format and upload them to Klaviyo so you wouldn't need to collect them again. However, this is likely a bit of a tedious manual process if you don't have a developer that can assist with a technical workaround for the formatting. 


Lastly, if you would like to collect birthday data exclusively from Klaviyo from existing users for future forms, I would check this guide. It provides a great and detailed explanation of how to collect data on customers if they are already existing profiles: 


Hope this helped and thanks for being a part of the Community! 

