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Hi fellow devs

I’m setting up a custom Back-In-Stock feature using the client-side request${this.json.klaviyo_public_api_key} using these docs:

It works great, however, I also need to be able to send custom fields to the customer profile. Just like in the newsletter forms we can send data like 

$fields: Store
Store: Teststore
g: {ListID}

or whatever other custom field we need. 

I’ve tried multiple ways of structure, but always run into errors as soon as i vary from this:

    const payload = {
'data': {
'type': 'back-in-stock-subscription',
'attributes': {
'profile': {
'data': {
'type': 'profile',
'attributes': {
'email': email,
'channels': a'EMAIL'],
'relationships': {
'variant': {
'data': {
'type': 'catalog-variant',
'id': `$shopify:::$default:::${variantId}`

Klaviyo email support was no luck. So I’m trying here 🤞


Example response when trying to add custom fields:

code: "invalid",
status: 400,
detail: "'tags' is not a valid field for the resource 'profile'."


Found a solution using Legacy Identify API to update the custom properties post-BIS-subscription. Not ideal, but works. 

Would still like to know if it is possible through the back-in-stock-subscription endpoint.
