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Developer Challenge | January 2023

  • January 23, 2023
  • 6 replies
Developer Challenge | January 2023
Brian Turcotte

Hello Developer Group!

I’m incredibly excited to announce that our first monthly 🏆 Developer Challenge 🏆 is here!!!


In order to make this happen, we put together a team of internal engineers, product managers, and developers who are passionate about Klaviyo’s developer audience. 


Each month, I’ll work with one of our internal volunteers to generate a challenge that requires contestants to accomplish a technical feat using Klaviyo’s developer tools. 


The first contestant to provide a valid solution will be crowned winner and receive a custom SWAG PRIZE! 🙌


🔊 Rules and Guidelines 🔊

  1. The Challenge will be open for 1 week ⏳, after which the submission form will be closed.
  2. You may use any resource at your disposal to investigate the challenge - including, but not limited to the Developer Portal, existing Community posts, and the Klaviyo Help Center.
    • Please note that there can only be 1 WINNER (the first to submit a valid solution), so collaborate at your own risk…👀
  3. Comments are enabled for this post (for questions and clarification), but please only use the Google form below to submit answers.
    • If you comment the answer here, it will spoil the fun! 😅

🏅Prizes and Rewards 🏅

😵💰 Custom Klaviyo Swag (Insulated Mug, Cap)💰😵


  • 📦📈 Customized Social Media Package for LinkedIn! 📈📦
  • Special Winner’s Pin in Community! 🏆
    • 👑 “King-of-the-hill” 👑 style article. Winner’s profile will be featured on the Developer Group landing page until they are unthroned!


January 2022 Challenge:


How can you extract Metric Data from Klaviyo into a Google Sheet, without accessing the Klaviyo API?

(Valid answers will require a short explanation along with some proof of solution - script, screenshots, etc.)




We’re looking forward to reviewing your answers, and thanks for participating!!

- Brian

Did this topic or the replies in the thread help you find an answer to your question?

6 replies

Partner - Silver
  • Partner - Silver
  • 155 replies
  • January 23, 2023

My overscheduled client load won’t let me play this month, but will the correct answers and explanations be posted in the thread after the winner is announced?

Brian Turcotte
  • Author
  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1393 replies
  • January 23, 2023

Hi @DavidSandel!


That’s right! I’ll post the solution in this thread, and then there will also be a separate post honoring the winner. Super excited for you to participate in future challenges!




Brian Turcotte
  • Author
  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1393 replies
  • January 27, 2023

Hi @ChrisR, @SeanMcC, @imp_dev, @Mineral-CR @dartacus, @KeviSunshine@Khard@Wei Tan, @ChrisTough!

I was just going through the Developer Group looking at some of the most recently active members, and I wanted to tag you all in case you haven’t seen this yet!


I’ve really appreciated all of your engagement in the group lately, and I’d love to see one of you take home the great prizes we lined up for this event! Just to add to what I wrote above, we will be rewarding the prizes to the most accurate answer, so if you don’t feel like you have too much time to spend on this, throw in a quick guess! (@DavidSandel - thought you might want to hear that too, just in case it wasn’t clear in my earlier message 😁).


The challenge is meant to be a fun way to give back to the group, while also offering some education about what is possible with our APIs. 


Looking forward to hearing what you all think, and thanks again for being valuable members of our Community!

- Brian

  • Problem Solver I
  • 6 replies
  • January 31, 2023

@Brian Turcotte thanks for the inclusion in this. Unfortunately I’m stacked with client work at the moment so won’t be able to join in. Seems like fun and keen to follow along + learn.

Thanks again,


Brian Turcotte
  • Author
  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1393 replies
  • February 1, 2023

Hi @ChrisTough!


No worries whatsoever! Just wanted to make sure everyone who wanted to give it a shot had the chance/visibility to do so. Thanks again for being a valuable member of the Community!




Brian Turcotte
  • Author
  • Klaviyo Alum
  • 1393 replies
  • February 6, 2023

For anyone that hasn’t seen it yet, the winner & winning method was announced here:


Big thanks to everyone that competed!