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I have used the createEvent api to create a new metric and I am using that metric as the trigger, however when I call the createEvent api to trigger the event, it seems like it does not reach the flow at all and so we do not get an email. Just to be sure the api to create and trigger an event is the same right? 



Hello @qqwwee Could you please confirm if the payload structure matches with the one given here:

Hi @Maxbuzz thanks for the response!
Yes the payload is exactly the same as the payload in the documentation just with some different values such as the key/email and the name of the event


@qqwwee, looking at your event payload it looks like there might be a couple things going wrong here:

  • The time you’re including is a datetime that’s far in the past (Nov 8, 2022). Removing this field will cause the event to have a “time” equal to the current time, by default. Maybe try removing this time? I’m not sure how recent events need to be to trigger a flow
  • It looks like your flow is triggered by a metric called “postmanTest”, but the event payload you’re sending here has a metric with name “testingTrigger”. In order for the event to trigger the flow, the event’s metric must match the metric trigger of the flow. 

