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I am reaching out for assistance regarding my recent attempt to use event data in our email template. Unfortunately, I was unable to achieve the desired outcome. I referenced the document at this link: Klaviyo Event Data Documentation, but I believe I may have missed some important configuration steps or might not have found the right documentation.


Please suggest a solution or guide me on what I might be doing incorrectly? Your expertise would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you so much for your attention and support.


API Payload:

"data": {
"type": "event",
"attributes": {
"properties": {
"product_1": "S00939993939",
"product_2": "P00939993939",
"product_3": "D00939993939",
"product_img_1": "",
"product_img_2": "",
"product_img_3": ""
"metric": {
"data": {
"type": "metric",
"attributes": {
"name": "recommendation",
"service": "new recommendation api"
"profile": {
"data": {
"type": "profile",
"attributes": {
"email": ""



Email template:


Hi ​@shahidIqbal,

It seemed that you have created a custom event to the Klaviyo events API. Can you please confirm this? Also, it seems that your email template is not rendering the desired event information as expected. Can you please check the syntax that you have used in the template? I’ve included some resources below for guidance:


Hello ​@chloe.strange ,

Thank you so much for your reply. Here are the details.

Custom Event:


  1. I've created a flow that triggers specific segments and calls a third-party API. Based on the information received, the API creates an event for the profile.
  2. Additionally, I've set up another flow to send emails based on the event segments.

However, I still seem to be facing an issue. I've followed all the documentation, but the event property is still showing as blank in the screenshot I’ve attached.



