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How to get information under "How They Found You" profile section thru API



Is there a way to get this information from the API?


Hello @ivancarrillo,

Thank you for sharing your request with us.

At this time, we are not able to export that information via API but it can be exported through a CSV file if you would like to access that data. I have submitted a proposal for the product team to review for potential future implementation of this feature.

Thank you and have a great rest of your day.

@dov.derin Thank you for answering this.  My team would also greatly benefit from adding this to the API!

@Dov I’d like to see this added to the API as well.

Hi there @Scott R.,

Just wanted to give everyone a current update as of 10/21/2021.

Regrettably, at this time, you are not able to export that information via API but you can export by CSV if you would like to access that data. The feature request has been submitted to our engineers to add this to the endpoint and they are currently reviewing the feasibility of including this in a future release.

Thank you everyone for your patience and we hope to update you all again soon.



@alex.hong how can I use “how they found you” in a segment (or any other analysis apart from csv)?

Hi there @chris141331,

Great question! I would recommend checking out this document that goes over how to segment by acquisition source! I think you’ll find it helpful!


@alex.hong  can not access it - any hint?

That’s odd @chris141331, could you share what you see on your end as I am able to access the link.

Here is the info:

Information around a contact's initial source is recorded in the How They Found You section to the right of a given profile page.


You can then use this information to build out a segment with the Initial Source property. For example, you may be interested in knowing how a particular marketing initiative performed. Your segment can hone in on who visited your site and from which sources. If you use UTM parameters to track different marketing initiatives (like email campaigns), you can segment based on this information as well. 

To identify these people, build a segment based on Properties about someone > Initial Source equals X.


If you add UTM tracking to your email campaigns or use UTM parameters to track your paid ads or other marketing efforts, you will see the names and IDs populate in the dimension value dropdown as well. 

Hi, this topic is now closed, Is there any update after 2 years? 

is it now possible? 





Hi @noat28!

At this time, it’s not possible, but it’s something our API team is considering for future releases.



